Wednesday, 15 May 2013

What does your skin need to stay healthy?

websiteWe all know that water is a great source of hydration for our skin but let's face it, how many of us actually manage those 8-10 glasses a day???

I know I read somewhere once that even if you are drinking tea or coffee it counts but I'm not so sure my addiction to caffeine really is doing all that much good for my complexion.

I keep promising myself I'm going to drink more but like most busy people, start off well  (ok who am I kidding) fall flat on my face! So even with the best will in the world, I struggle.

I have tried water boosting antioxidant drops (yes I fell for that and didn't really see a difference). Perhaps a gain, I couldn't stick to it!  Well anyway here are a few tips about ingredients that can really help your skin, even if you are a bit of a wet weekend when it comes to routine!

What skin needs - These are the only 2 active ingredients found in Skincerity!
To order yours you can go to my website or head over to Roll your way to amazing skin to view photos and more.

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